Skills for Success Youth Assembly

Sponsored by RBC Future Launch

Held in conjunction with the Skills Canada National Competition, the Skills for Success Youth Assembly (formerly Essential Skills Youth Forum) provides a venue for young adults, aged 18-22, to discuss current trends in Skills for Success, skilled trades and technologies, and career pathways.

The goal is to gather recommendations–from the voices at the table, who represent various regions across the country–on how to improve SCC activities. Conversations are guided by predetermined criteria and vary from year to year. Results from the Assembly mould a blueprint for SCC’s and its member organizations’ steps forward, allowing them to more effectively reflect today’s youth and the current trades and technologies landscape.

The theme for the 2023 SFSYA will be Skills for Success: Adaptability.

The 2023 SFSYA participants will work as a group to incorporate Adaptability in all the planned activities during SCNC 2023. The Participants will go through a series of exercises aimed at exploring what it means to be adaptable and how to respond to change in positive and productive ways.

To showcase their knowledge of Adaptability as well as other Skills for Success, participants will be tasked with creating relevant content for social media using the 2023 Skills Canada National Competition as the background. Content will be vetted and posted by Skills/Compétences Canada (SCC) Marketing and Communications Teams. They will have a choice to work in Teams or individually and will be responsible for at least 1 video with a national focus and one video with a provincial/territorial focus.

The SFSYA is more than just a one-time platform for dialogue; it becomes a think tank of talented youth talking about those engaged in trades and technologies in Canada.

The Assembly has a lasting legacy–it sparks networking opportunities where strong relationships are formed and serves as a space where leadership potential is unveiled.

For more information, contact Marisa Sosa, Director, Programs and Diversity & Inclusion, at

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