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WorldSkills Team Canada 2017 demonstrate their talents to local Members of Parliament

31 of Canada’s most skilled young people head to Abu Dhabi in October

(Ottawa, ON – August 14, 2017) Today, members of WorldSkills Team Canada 2017 kicked off their pre-competition tour by meeting and demonstrating their trade or technology to their local Member of Parliament.

In Montreal, Laurier—Sainte-Marie Member of Parliament Hélène Laverdière met with her constituent and WorldSkills Team Canada 2017 member Vyolaine Dujmovic, who will compete in Autobody Repair.

At the same time, WorldSkills Team Canada 2017 member Ryley LaFrance met with his M.P. for Edmonton—Riverbend, Matt Jeneroux. Ryley is competing in Industrial Control.

In a few weeks, WorldSkills Team Canada 2017 members Ashley Weber and Silas Meeches will meet with Robert-Falcon Ouellette, M.P. for Winnipeg—Centre. Ashley and Silas will compete in Car Painting and CNC Milling respectively. Also, M.P. Larry Bagnell will meet with his Yukon constituent, David Lister, who is competing in Mechanical Engineering CAD.

“I’m so proud to be on WorldSkills Team Canada 2017 and be able to explain to my M.P. the amazing impact the Skills/Compétences Canada programs have had on me, personally, and in terms of my career, said Ryley LaFrance.

Many more WorldSkills Team Canada 2017 members are scheduled to meet with their M.P.s in their constituencies between now and the team’s departure for the United Arab Emirates in early October.

WorldSkills Team Canada 2017 is made up of 31 outstanding young women and men who are the best in Canada in their chosen trade or technology field. To qualify, each member successfully competed through a rigorous selection process.

“Skills / Compétences Canada very much values its relationship with all parliamentarians,” said CEO Shaun Thorson. “We were thrilled to welcome the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, Patty Hajdu, to the Skills Canada National Competition last May in Winnipeg, and we look forward to continuing our work with elected officials to ensure that the youth perspective of skills development is well captured in policy creation and implementation. After all, young people like our WorldSkills Team Canada 2017 members serve as important role models in their respective communities across Canada, and beyond.”

WorldSkills is the global hub for vocational skills. Every 2 years it hosts the world championships of skills, which attracts more than 1,300 competitors from 60 Member countries and regions. Competitions are in over 50 skill areas across a wide range of industries – from joinery to floristry; from hairdressing to electronics; and from autobody repair to bakery.

WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017 will be the first Competition to be held in the Middle East. In parallel to the Competition, WorldSkills holds one of the most prominent Conferences in the sector. National ministers, as well as business, industry and education leaders have been invited from all the WorldSkills Member countries and regions. They will tackle pressing issues in this sector – global youth unemployment, the mismatch between skills and jobs, and the mobility of skills qualifications.

Watch the 2017 Skills Canada National Competition recap video.

Watch the WorldSkills promo video.

About Skills/Compétences Canada

Skills/Compétences Canada was founded in 1989 as a national, not‐for‐profit organization that works with employers, educators, labour groups and governments to promote skilled trades and technology careers among Canadian youth. For information on Skills Canada’s programs and competitions visit



Michèle Rogerson

343-883-7545, x 509

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