News & Media

 WorldSkills Americas Guatemala 2021 

WorldSkills Americas Guatemala 2021 will take place virtually from November 22 to 27. Competition days are November 23-26. Competitors from 18 WorldSkills member countries and regions including Canada will be participating.  

Skills/Compétences Canada and its Member Organizations will have representatives competing in four Skill Areas: 

Mechanical Engineering Design – CAD
Rémi Plante
Montréal, QC
Expert: Jeremy Braithwaite 

Web Design
Richard Shuai
Saskatoon, SK
Expert: David Cantwell 

Graphic Design Technology
Leah Lucyshyn
Swift Current, SK
Expert: Cody Peterson 

3D Digital Game Art
Parklan Cross
Calgary, AB
Expert: Chris Sharpley

Good luck to all of the competitors and watch our social media channels for updates!  

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