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Skills/Compétences Canada Kicks Off the 14th National Skilled Trades and Technology Week in Halifax, Nova Scotia

OTTAWA, ONTARIO, November 5, 2018 – Skills/Compétences Canadais officially launching National Skilled Trades and Technology Week (NSTTW) on Tuesday November 6, at the Halifax Convention Centre. In conjunction with the official launch of NSTTW, Skills Canada Nova Scotia will be hosting Skilled Futures at STEMfest.

What:              Official Launch of NationalSkilled Trades and Technology Week(NSTTW)
This eventgenerates awareness about the opportunities in skilled trade and technology sectors for students, educators and industry. Approximately500 students from local high schools and post-secondary institutions, will participate in over 30 interactive Try-A-Trade®and Technology activities hosted by educators and industry experts.

Skilled Futures at STEMFest
In conjunction with the official launch of NSTTW, Skills Canada – Nova Scotia will be hosting Skilled Futures at STEMFest, in partnership with the Aboriginal Skilled Trades Fair. Participants will be given the opportunity to explore skilled trade and technology career options by participating in hands-on workshops, ranging from 3D game art to tidal energy, and by visiting the interactive NSTTW Try-A-Trade® and Technology displays.

Who:               Speakers (Biographies and photos will be available in the media kits).

·     Hugh MacKay, MLA for Chester-St. Margaret’s, on behalf of Labour and Advanced Education Minister Labi Kousoulis
·     Sherry Holmes from HGTV’s Holmes Inspection,Holmes Makes it Right and Holmes: Next Generation
·     John Oates, President of Skills/Compétences Canada
·     Shaun Thorson, CEO of Skills/Compétences Canada
·     Marjorie Davison, CEO of Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency
·     Marina Turbide, silver medalist in Job Search at the Skills Canada National Competition 2018, in Edmonton
·     Ryan Leedham, silver medalist in Aircraft Maintenance at WorldSkills São Paulo 2015

When:             Tuesday, November 6, 2018

·      7:45 – 8:45 am: Networking breakfast sponsored by the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency – Convention Hall C4
·      8:45 – 9:30 am: Official program withkeynote speakers
·      9:30 am – 3:00 pm: Approximately500 students from local high schools and post-secondary institutions from the Halifax area will participate in over 30 interactive Try-A-Trade®and Technology activities.

Where:            Halifax Convention Centre, Convention Hall C4, 1650 Argyle Street, Halifax, NS.

RSVP:              Media are asked to confirm their attendance in advance by contacting Michèle Rogerson at the coordinates below.

About Skills/Compétences Canada
Skills Canada was founded in 1989 as a national, not-for-profit organization with partner Skills Canada organizations in each of the provinces/territories that work with employers, educators, labour groups and governments to promote skilled trades and technology careers among Canadian youth. Its unique position among private and public-sector partners enables it to work toward securing Canada’s future skilled labour needs while helping young people discover rewarding careers. Skills Canada offers experiential learning opportunities including skilled trades and technology competitions for hundreds of thousands of young Canadians through regional, provincial/territorial, national and international events, as well as skilled trades awareness programs. Headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario, Skills/Compétences Canada is the Canadian member organization of WorldSkills.

Follow Skills/Compétences Canada on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and Instagram.

About Skills Canada Nova Scotia
Skills Canada – Nova Scotia (SCNS) is a not-for-profit organization that provides Nova Scotian youth with opportunities to explore skilled trades and technologies through a range of programming. This is made possible by partnerships with industry, government, labour, and education. Our signature event is the annual Nova Scotia Skills Competition. SCNS is affiliated nationally with Skills/Compétences Canada and is associated with WorldSkills. For more information, visit

MEDIA CONTACT: Michèle Rogerson, 613-266-4771,

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