3D Digital Game Art

What is 3D digital game art? 

A games artist is someone who creates 2D and 3D art for the visual elements of a video game, such as characters, vehicles, props, scenery, background, objects, colours, textures, and clothing. All these things create the look and feel for a video game. Although this career is computer graphics focused, games artists still use traditional hand sketching in the beginning stages. 

Essentially, games artists are graphic artists who specifically focus on video games. They imagine what items will look like, sketch out preliminary designs, develop sketches into forms that go with the game’s desired feel, and turn the chosen sketches into 2 or 3D computer graphics.  

Three-dimensional (3D) artists may find employment in a variety of places, using computer and film technology to create still or moving 3D creations. A 3D artist may work in media production to create elements for video games or 3D movies. Some 3D artists have the flexibility to work from home. These artists may also work in the growing field of medical illustration, creating 3D images of anatomy for research and diagnostics. Fine 3D artists may produce large or small sculptures from any material, such as clay, wood or metals. These fine 3D artists usually work from a studio and may be found in any city in the country. 

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