Team | First Name | Last Name | Secondary / Post Secondary | Skill Name | Medal |
AB | Jason | McElrea | 03PS | PSec Precision Machining / Techniques d usinage | GOLD |
ON | Michael | Mills | 03PS | PSec Precision Machining / Techniques d usinage | SILVER |
MB | Leighton | Dyck | 03PS | PSec Precision Machining / Techniques d usinage | BRONZE |
SK | Austin | Demorest | 03S | Sec Precision Machining Techniques d usinage | GOLD |
MB | Jonathan | Betz | 03S | Sec Precision Machining Techniques d usinage | SILVER |
AB | Conley | Wurban | 03S | Sec Precision Machining Techniques d usinage | BRONZE |
ON | Joshua | Donnelly-Robertson | 04PS | PSec Mechatronics Mecatronique | GOLD |
ON | Santiago | Moros Glaser | 04PS | PSec Mechatronics Mecatronique | GOLD |
QC | Nicolas | C.Ratelle | 04PS | PSec Mechatronics Mecatronique | SILVER |
QC | Jérémy | Marsolais | 04PS | PSec Mechatronics Mecatronique | SILVER |
NS | TJ | Beaton | 04PS | PSec Mechatronics Mecatronique | BRONZE |
NS | Phil | Mullin | 04PS | PSec Mechatronics Mecatronique | BRONZE |
SK | Carson | Gustafson | 05PS | PSec Mechanical CADD Dessin industriel CDAO | GOLD |
YT | David | Lister | 05PS | PSec Mechanical CADD Dessin industriel CDAO | SILVER |
ON | Dieter | Hastings | 05PS | PSec Mechanical CADD Dessin industriel CDAO | BRONZE |
ON | Camden | Goodhew | 05S | Sec Mechanical CADD Dessin industriel CDAO | GOLD |
BC | Joseph | Ryan | 05S | Sec Mechanical CADD Dessin industriel CDAO | SILVER |
MB | Curtis | Bauche | 05S | Sec Mechanical CADD Dessin industriel CDAO | BRONZE |
MB | Collin | McDougall | 06PS | PSec CNC Machining Usinage CNC | GOLD |
ON | Jared | Rossiter | 06PS | PSec CNC Machining Usinage CNC | SILVER |
SK | Shane | Crerar | 06PS | PSec CNC Machining Usinage CNC | BRONZE |
ON | Joel | McLeod | 10PS | PSec Welding | GOLD |
BC | Nathaniel John | Printis | 10PS | PSec Welding | SILVER |
MB | Pierre | Deslauriers | 10PS | PSec Welding | BRONZE |
QC | Tommy | Papillon | 10S | Sec Welding | GOLD |
BC | Johnathon | Hergott | 10S | Sec Welding | SILVER |
AB | Mikhaila | Currie | 10S | Sec Welding | BRONZE |
NS | Ian | Fildes | 11PS | Psec Print Media Technology Techniques de l impression | SILVER |
SK | Kaley | Yanke | 11PS | Psec Print Media Technology Techniques de l impression | GOLD |
AB | Montanna | Clark | 11PS | Psec Print Media Technology Techniques de l impression | BRONZE |
AB | Troy | Toews | 13PS | PSec Autobody Repair / Tolerie-carosserie | GOLD |
NS | Erick | Reade | 13PS | PSec Autobody Repair / Tolerie-carosserie | SILVER |
BC | Brandon David | Scott | 13PS | PSec Autobody Repair / Tolerie-carosserie | BRONZE |
ON | Tony | Teng | 13S | Sec Autobody Repair Tolerie-carrosserie | GOLD |
MB | Jonathan | Hert | 13S | Sec Autobody Repair Tolerie-carrosserie | SILVER |
QC | Raphaël | Huet | 13S | Sec Autobody Repair Tolerie-carrosserie | BRONZE |
ON | Matthew | Bryant | 14PS | PSec Sheet Metal / Ferblanterie tolerie | GOLD |
BC | James | Benson | 14PS | PSec Sheet Metal / Ferblanterie tolerie | SILVER |
QC | Maxime | Bilodeau | 14PS | PSec Sheet Metal / Ferblanterie tolerie | BRONZE |
MB | Jorgen | Kaspick | 16PS | PSec Electronics Electronique | GOLD |
BC | Nathanael | Bergmann | 16PS | PSec Electronics Electronique | SILVER |
NL | David | Stacey | 16PS | PSec Electronics Electronique | BRONZE |
BC | Chris | Leclair | 16S | Sec Electronics Electronique | GOLD |
SK | Zachary | Brown | 16S | Sec Electronics Electronique | SILVER |
ON | Alexander | Vandenberg | 16S | Sec Electronics Electronique | BRONZE |
QC | Julien | Robitaille | 17PS | PSec Web Site Developement / Conception de sites Web | GOLD |
ON | Justin | Norris | 17PS | PSec Web Site Developement / Conception de sites Web | SILVER |
NL | Justin | Willcott | 17PS | PSec Web Site Developement / Conception de sites Web | BRONZE |
ON | Marc | Mailhot | 17S | Sec Web Site Development / Conception de sites Web | GOLD |
BC | Heyang (Lucy) | Wei | 17S | Sec Web Site Development / Conception de sites Web | SILVER |
AB | Richard | Fullbrook | 17S | Sec Web Site Development / Conception de sites Web | BRONZE |
NT | Richard | Neary | 18PS | PSec Electrical Installations / Installation electrique | GOLD |
AB | Jacob | Fluker | 18PS | PSec Electrical Installations / Installation electrique | BRONZE |
ON | Michael | Browning | 18PS | PSec Electrical Installations / Installation electrique | SILVER |
ON | Jonathan | Louws | 18S | Sec Electrical Installations / Installation electrique | GOLD |
MB | Andrew | Land | 18S | Sec Electrical Installations / Installation electrique | SILVER |
AB | Mackenzie | Clews | 18S | Sec Electrical Installations / Installation electrique | BRONZE |
PE | Joshua | MacDonald | 19PS | PSec Automation and Control / Controle et automatisation | GOLD |
AB | Kevin | Donnelly | 19PS | PSec Automation and Control / Controle et automatisation | SILVER |
ON | Justin Nicholas Joseph | Shank | 19PS | PSec Automation and Control / Controle et automatisation | BRONZE |
MB | Damian | Thenhaus | 20PS | PSec Brick Masonry / Briquettage-maconnerie | GOLD |
ON | Darrin | Crouse | 20PS | PSec Brick Masonry / Briquettage-maconnerie | SILVER |
NB | Pascal | Marquis | 20PS | PSec Brick Masonry / Briquettage-maconnerie | BRONZE |
NS | Nick | Poole | 24PS | PSec Cabinet Making / Ebenisterie | GOLD |
BC | Tyler L. | Simpson | 24PS | PSec Cabinet Making / Ebenisterie | SILVER |
MB | Leonhard | Derksen | 24PS | PSec Cabinet Making / Ebenisterie | BRONZE |
MB | Steven | Doerksen | 24S | Sec Cabinet Making / Ebenisterie | GOLD |
AB | Dustin | Sejdl | 24S | Sec Cabinet Making / Ebenisterie | SILVER |
QC | Félix-Antoine | Aubert | 24S | Sec Cabinet Making / Ebenisterie | BRONZE |
NS | Adam | Tanner | 26PS | PSec Carpentry / Charpenterie | GOLD |
NB | Daryll | McLean | 26PS | PSec Carpentry / Charpenterie | SILVER |
AB | Scott | Pylypow | 26PS | PSec Carpentry / Charpenterie | BRONZE |
AB | Josiah | Pilon | 26S | Sec Carpentry / Charpenterie | GOLD |
ON | Thomas | Cooper | 26S | Sec Carpentry / Charpenterie | SILVER |
QC | Michaël | Roussel | 26S | Sec Carpentry / Charpenterie | BRONZE |
NB | Jennifer | Mitton | 29PS | PSec Hairstyling / Coiffure | GOLD |
SK | Chae-Lyn | Shier | 29PS | PSec Hairstyling / Coiffure | SILVER |
NS | Brianna | Hiltz | 29PS | PSec Hairstyling / Coiffure | BRONZE |
BC | Rachelle | Garcia | 29S | Sec Hairstyling / Coiffure | GOLD |
SK | Rebecca | Blackburn | 29S | Sec Hairstyling / Coiffure | SILVER |
MB | Sara | Summerly-Fuchs | 29S | Sec Hairstyling / Coiffure | BRONZE |
MB | Yuliya | Pustilnyk | 30PS | PSec Aesthetics / Esthetique | GOLD |
ON | Julia | Foell | 30PS | PSec Aesthetics / Esthetique | SILVER |
NL | Courtney | Samms | 30PS | PSec Aesthetics / Esthetique | BRONZE |
BC | Connie | Cheng | 31S | Sec Fashion Technology / Mode et Creation | GOLD |
AB | Amy | Herndon | 31S | Sec Fashion Technology / Mode et Creation | SILVER |
MB | Kerstin | Betz | 31S | Sec Fashion Technology / Mode et Creation | BRONZE |
ON | Megan | Proper | 32PS | PSec Baking / Patisserie | GOLD |
NS | Kathleen | Melvin | 32PS | PSec Baking / Patisserie | SILVER |
BC | Georgine | Chung | 32PS | PSec Baking / Patisserie | BRONZE |
QC | Sandrine | Turpin-Charette | 32S | Sec Baking / Patisserie | GOLD |
BC | Simon | Wong | 32S | Sec Baking / Patisserie | SILVER |
NS | Peyton | Carmichael | 32S | Sec Baking / Patisserie | BRONZE |
ON | Adam | Bochek | 33PS | PSec Automotive Service / Mecanique automobile | GOLD |
MB | Aaron | DeBoer | 33PS | PSec Automotive Service / Mecanique automobile | SILVER |
NS | Jimmy | Bowes | 33PS | PSec Automotive Service / Mecanique automobile | BRONZE |
QC | Étienne | Trudel | 33S | Sec Automotive Service / Mecanique automobile | GOLD |
ON | Austin | McWilliam | 33S | Sec Automotive Service / Mecanique automobile | SILVER |
MB | Paul | Pillipow | 33S | Sec Automotive Service / Mecanique automobile | BRONZE |
AB | Cecile | Bukmeier | 36PS | PSec Car Painting / Peinture automobile | GOLD |
NB | Marc | Paradis | 36PS | PSec Car Painting / Peinture automobile | SILVER |
MB | Derrick | Dujlovic | 36PS | PSec Car Painting / Peinture automobile | BRONZE |
QC | Nicolas | Bérubé | 36S | Sec Car Painting / Peinture automobile | GOLD |
AB | Lucas | Salomons | 36S | Sec Car Painting / Peinture automobile | SILVER |
ON | Catherine Elizabeth | Mathewson | 36S | Sec Car Painting / Peinture automobile | BRONZE |
AB | Nicholas | Arnoldussen | 37PS | Psec Landscape Gardening / Jardinier paysagiste | GOLD |
AB | David | Grisnich | 37PS | Psec Landscape Gardening / Jardinier paysagiste | GOLD |
QC | Michaël | Picard | 37PS | Psec Landscape Gardening / Jardinier paysagiste | SILVER |
QC | Gabriel | Tougas | 37PS | Psec Landscape Gardening / Jardinier paysagiste | SILVER |
BC | Kevin | O’Connor | 37PS | Psec Landscape Gardening / Jardinier paysagiste | BRONZE |
BC | Jason | Thompson | 37PS | Psec Landscape Gardening / Jardinier paysagiste | BRONZE |
QC | Marc-Antoine | Richard | 38 | Refrigeration | GOLD |
ON | Tyler | Radkowski | 38 | Refrigeration | SILVER |
NB | Rene | Richard | 38 | Refrigeration | BRONZE |
MB | Todd | Garden | 38 | Refrigeration | Medallion For Excellence |
NS | Jeremy | Whynot | 38 | Refrigeration | Medallion For Excellence |
NL | Brian | Forward | 39PS | PSec IT Network Systems Administration / Administration des systemes et des reseaux informatiques | GOLD |
PE | Jeff | Hunter | 39PS | PSec IT Network Systems Administration / Administration des systemes et des reseaux informatiques | SILVER |
BC | Jonathan | Unger | 39PS | PSec IT Network Systems Administration / Administration des systemes et des reseaux informatiques | BRONZE |
AB | Mitch | Prior | 39S | Sec IT Network Systems Administrations / Administration des systemes et des reseaux informatiques | GOLD |
MB | Sandeep | Seehra | 39S | Sec IT Network Systems Administrations / Administration des systemes et des reseaux informatiques | SILVER |
BC | Justin | Emery | 39S | Sec IT Network Systems Administrations / Administration des systemes et des reseaux informatiques | BRONZE |
NL | Jessie | Meyer | 40PS | PSec Graphic Design / Infographie | GOLD |
ON | Dylan | Ashton | 40PS | PSec Graphic Design / Infographie | SILVER |
SK | Alexandria | Kelln | 40PS | PSec Graphic Design / Infographie | BRONZE |
QC | Myriam | Guemmache | 40S | Sec Graphic Design / Inforgraphie | GOLD |
MB | Alina | Cho | 40S | Sec Graphic Design / Inforgraphie | SILVER |
NL | Emma | Power | 40S | Sec Graphic Design / Inforgraphie | BRONZE |
SK | Nathan | Jaeb | 51PS | PSec Industrial Mechanic Millwright / Mecanicien monteur industriel | GOLD |
MB | Palwinder | Bains | 51PS | PSec Industrial Mechanic Millwright / Mecanicien monteur industriel | SILVER |
BC | Jesse | Brown | 51PS | PSec Industrial Mechanic Millwright / Mecanicien monteur industriel | BRONZE |
ON | Becky | DeKleyn | 52PS | PSec Architectrual Technolgoy and Design / Dessin et technologie architecturale | GOLD |
SK | Ben | Colcough | 52PS | PSec Architectrual Technolgoy and Design / Dessin et technologie architecturale | SILVER |
NL | Greg | Martin | 52PS | PSec Architectrual Technolgoy and Design / Dessin et technologie architecturale | BRONZE |
ON | Oghosa | Igbinakenzua | 52S | Sec Architectural Technology and Design / Dessin et technologie architectural | GOLD |
SK | Riley | Wallewein | 52S | Sec Architectural Technology and Design / Dessin et technologie architectural | SILVER |
QC | Marc-Olivier | Jean | 52S | Sec Architectural Technology and Design / Dessin et technologie architectural | BRONZE |
ON | Simon | Poliquin | 53S | Sec Outdoor Power and Recreation Equipment / Mecanique de vehicules de loirsir et d entretien | GOLD |
MB | Tyler | Rosteski | 53S | Sec Outdoor Power and Recreation Equipment / Mecanique de vehicules de loirsir et d entretien | SILVER |
SK | Jonathan | Campbell | 53S | Sec Outdoor Power and Recreation Equipment / Mecanique de vehicules de loirsir et d entretien | BRONZE |
AB | Devin | Hao | 82S | Sec TV and Video Production / Production televisuelle et video | GOLD |
AB | Carol | Liang | 82S | Sec TV and Video Production / Production televisuelle et video | GOLD |
NS | Maxine | Both | 82S | Sec TV and Video Production / Production televisuelle et video | SILVER |
NS | Georgia | Stanley | 82S | Sec TV and Video Production / Production televisuelle et video | SILVER |
SK | Sam | Burns | 82S | Sec TV and Video Production / Production televisuelle et video | BRONZE |
SK | Sean | Newton | 82S | Sec TV and Video Production / Production televisuelle et video | BRONZE |
NS | Adam | Sampson | 83S | Sec Job Search / Recherche d emploi | GOLD |
NL | Erica | Badcock | 83S | Sec Job Search / Recherche d emploi | SILVER |
MB | Brittany | Lindsay | 83S | Sec Job Search / Recherche d emploi | BRONZE |
NL | Daniel | Rees | 84S | Sec Job Skill Demonstration / Presentation aptitudes professionnelles | GOLD |
AB | Jennifer | Sidwell | 84S | Sec Job Skill Demonstration / Presentation aptitudes professionnelles | SILVER |
MB | Darren | Place | 84S | Sec Job Skill Demonstration / Presentation aptitudes professionnelles | BRONZE |
NL | Emily | Butler | 85S | Sec Public Speaking / Discours prepare | GOLD |
NS | Erin | Brown | 85S | Sec Public Speaking / Discours prepare | SILVER |
AB | Shane | Scott | 85S | Sec Public Speaking / Discours prepare | BRONZE |
BC | Patty | Chomseng | 87S | Sec 3D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisee 3D | GOLD |
BC | Conor | Nolan | 87S | Sec 3D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisee 3D | GOLD |
AB | Ethan | Higgs | 87S | Sec 3D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisee 3D | SILVER |
AB | Romas | Krivelis | 87S | Sec 3D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisee 3D | SILVER |
ON | Walter | Persaud | 87S | Sec 3D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisee 3D | BRONZE |
ON | Angelo | Rebelo | 87S | Sec 3D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisee 3D | BRONZE |
MB | Stephanie | Hunt | 88S | Sec 2D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisee 2D | GOLD |
MB | Alexandra | Smith | 88S | Sec 2D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisee 2D | GOLD |
ON | Luka | Lawford | 88S | Sec 2D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisee 2D | SILVER |
ON | David | Pagurek van Mossel | 88S | Sec 2D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisee 2D | SILVER |
NS | Breanna | Brewer | 88S | Sec 2D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisee 2D | BRONZE |
NS | Chandler | Werenka | 88S | Sec 2D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisee 2D | BRONZE |
NS | Nathaniel | Levy | 91PS | Psec Aircraft Maintenance / Entretien d aeronefs | GOLD |
MB | Xiang(Ted) | Zhe Yu | 91PS | Psec Aircraft Maintenance / Entretien d aeronefs | SILVER |
ON | Jesse | Proper | 91PS | Psec Aircraft Maintenance / Entretien d aeronefs | BRONZE |
AB | Rianne | Bouma | 92S | Sec Workplace Safety / Securite sur le lieu de travail | GOLD |
ON | Bethany | Mowat | 92S | Sec Workplace Safety / Securite sur le lieu de travail | SILVER |
MB | Tayler | Fleming | 92S | Sec Workplace Safety / Securite sur le lieu de travail | BRONZE |
NB | Dayne | Caron | 94PS | PSec Heavy Equipment Service / Service de machinerie lourde | GOLD |
AB | Jeffrey | Bogach | 94PS | PSec Heavy Equipment Service / Service de machinerie lourde | SILVER |
MB | Robert | Prettie | 94PS | PSec Heavy Equipment Service / Service de machinerie lourde | BRONZE |
SK | Jason | Eidsness-Hodges | 15PS | Psec Plumbing/Plomberie | GOLD |
BC | Alex | Bourassa | 15PS | Psec Plumbing/Plomberie | SILVER |
AB | Ken | Howe | 15PS | Psec Plumbing/Plomberie | BRONZE |
NS | Kayla | Johnson | A1 | Abilympic Photography | GOLD |
NL | Michael | Mercer | A1 | Abilympic Photography | SILVER |
NS | Nancy | Leopardi | A1 | Abilympic Photography | BRONZE |
SK | Brayden | Miller | 93S | Robotics | GOLD |
SK | Josh | Tysowski | 93S | Robotics | GOLD |
SK | Mike | Kozushka | 93S | Robotics | GOLD |
SK | Carter | Park | 93S | Robotics | GOLD |
ON | Jean-Felix | Bezeau | 93S | Robotics | SILVER |
ON | Justin | Fournier | 93S | Robotics | SILVER |
ON | Maxime | Lecours | 93S | Robotics | SILVER |
ON | Maxime | Marineau | 93S | Robotics | SILVER |
BC | Landon | Harvey | 93S | Robotics | BRONZE |
BC | Derek | Johnson | 93S | Robotics | BRONZE |
BC | Edmond | Yoo | 93S | Robotics | BRONZE |
QC | Stephanie | Paran | 35PS | Restaurant Service/Service de la restauration | GOLD |
ON | Mat | Brooks | 35PS | Restaurant Service/Service de la restauration | SILVER |
PE | Rebecca | Cook | 35PS | Restaurant Service/Service de la restauration | BRONZE |
BC | Amie | Peters | 34S | Cooking/Cuisine | GOLD |
ON | Khalil | Kinnarath | 34S | Cooking/Cuisine | SILVER |
AB | Madison | Melley | 34S | Cooking/Cuisine | BRONZE |
AB | Madison | Miller | 34PS | Cooking/Cuisine | GOLD |
NS | Matthew | Gerrits | 34PS | Cooking/Cuisine | SILVER |
BC | Hilary | Malone | 34PS | Cooking/Cuisine | BRONZE |