Rank | Contest | Team / Équipe | Competitor / Concurrent(e) |
1 | 03PS – Precision Machining / Technique d’usinage | AB | Shayne Rouxel |
2 | 03PS – Precision Machining / Technique d’usinage | QC | Justin Ferland |
3 | 03PS – Precision Machining / Technique d’usinage | NB | Clarke Johnstone |
1 | 04PS – Mechatronics / Mécatronique | ON | David Da Costa |
1 | 04PS – Mechatronics / Mécatronique | ON | Zachary Piskun |
2 | 04PS – Mechatronics / Mécatronique | PE | Shayne DeHaan |
2 | 04PS – Mechatronics / Mécatronique | PE | Travis Gaudet |
3 | 04PS – Mechatronics / Mécatronique | QC | Simon Parent |
3 | 04PS – Mechatronics / Mécatronique | QC | Jean-Luc Côté |
1 | 05PS – Mechanical CADD / Dessin industriel – CDAO | YT | Denis Godin |
2 | 05PS – Mechanical CADD / Dessin industriel – CDAO | NL | Richard White |
3 | 05PS – Mechanical CADD / Dessin industriel – CDAO | ON | Richard Jennings |
1 | 05S – Mechanical CADD / Dessin industriel – CDAO | AB | Carson Gustafson |
2 | 05S – Mechanical CADD / Dessin industriel – CDAO | MB | Kyle Logan |
3 | 05S – Mechanical CADD / Dessin industriel – CDAO | QC | Milissa Lachance-Maillé |
1 | 06PS – CNC Machining / Usinage CNC | QC | Dominic Nadeau |
2 | 06PS – CNC Machining / Usinage CNC | NB | Luc Boudreau |
3 | 06PS – CNC Machining / Usinage CNC | AB | Keenan Peterson |
1 | 09PS – IT-Software Solutions for Business / TI – Solutions logicielles pour les entreprises | NS | Heather Anderson |
2 | 09PS – IT-Software Solutions for Business / TI – Solutions logicielles pour les entreprises | NB | Amanda Cook |
3 | 09PS – IT-Software Solutions for Business / TI – Solutions logicielles pour les entreprises | MB | Ingrid Wieler |
1 | 09S – IT-Software Solutions for Business / TI – Solutions logicielles pour les entreprises | AB | Matthew Ewen |
2 | 09S – IT-Software Solutions for Business / TI – Solutions logicielles pour les entreprises | MB | Debby Petkau |
3 | 09S – IT-Software Solutions for Business / TI – Solutions logicielles pour les entreprises | ON | Cameron Gay |
1 | 10PS – Welding / Soudage | BC | Ryan Marsh |
2 | 10PS – Welding / Soudage | AB | Nic Kitt |
3 | 10PS – Welding / Soudage | QC | Rémi Plante-Robidas |
1 | 10S – Welding / Soudage | NT | Antonio Lewis |
2 | 10S – Welding / Soudage | QC | Jonathan Daigle |
3 | 10S – Welding / Soudage | BC | Tyler Hireen |
1 | 11PS – Offset Printing / Impression Offset | AB | Marissa Halter |
2 | 11PS – Offset Printing / Impression Offset | NS | Dylan Langille |
3 | 11PS – Offset Printing / Impression Offset | NL | Kathleen Dawe |
1 | 13PS – Autobody Repair / Tôlerie – Carrosserie | AB | Jordy Bartman |
2 | 13PS – Autobody Repair / Tôlerie – Carrosserie | ON | Steven Le-Magueresse |
3 | 13PS – Autobody Repair / Tôlerie – Carrosserie | NS | Erick Reade |
1 | 13S – Autobody Repair / Tôlerie – Carrosserie | MB | John Wiebe |
2 | 13S – Autobody Repair / Tôlerie – Carrosserie | QC | Sébastien Beaulieu |
3 | 13S – Autobody Repair / Tôlerie – Carrosserie | SK | Jackson Campbell |
1 | 14PS – Sheet Metal Work / Ferblanterie – Tôlerie | ON | Christopher Wilson |
2 | 14PS – Sheet Metal Work / Ferblanterie – Tôlerie | YT | Jake Montgomery |
3 | 14PS – Sheet Metal Work / Ferblanterie – Tôlerie | NB | Richard Haché |
1 | 15PS – Plumbing / Plomberie | ON | Ryan Voscek |
2 | 15PS – Plumbing / Plomberie | QC | Jean-Sébastien Simard |
3 | 15PS – Plumbing / Plomberie | AB | Jonathan Harding |
1 | 16PS – Electronics / Électronique | MB | Kevin Russell |
2 | 16PS – Electronics / Électronique | ON | Johnathan Black |
3 | 16PS – Electronics / Électronique | BC | Zander Erasmus |
1 | 16S – Electronics / Électronique | ON | Stephen Molyneaux |
2 | 16S – Electronics / Électronique | BC | Hudson Schier |
3 | 16S – Electronics / Électronique | MB | Colby Bromley |
1 | 17PS – Web Site Development / Conception de sites Web | QC | Jessica Lapointe |
2 | 17PS – Web Site Development / Conception de sites Web | ON | Benjamin Hohner-da Silva |
3 | 17PS – Web Site Development / Conception de sites Web | NB | Colin McQueen |
1 | 17S – Web Site Development / Conception de sites Web | ON | Zachary Seguin |
2 | 17S – Web Site Development / Conception de sites Web | NS | Tyler Blair |
3 | 17S – Web Site Development / Conception de sites Web | BC | Anthony Smith |
1 | 18PS – Electrical Installations / Installations électriques | QC | David Gagnon |
2 | 18PS – Electrical Installations / Installations électriques | BC | Gordon Kearns |
3 | 18PS – Electrical Installations / Installations électriques | YT | Mike Trainor |
1 | 18S – Electrical Installations / Installations électriques | QC | Michaël Breton |
2 | 18S – Electrical Installations / Installations électriques | MB | Steffan Adamchuk |
3 | 18S – Electrical Installations / Installations électriques | NS | Nathan Sampson |
1 | 19PS – Automation and Control / Contrôle et automatisation | AB | Zack Hartle |
2 | 19PS – Automation and Control / Contrôle et automatisation | PE | Derrick MacDonald |
3 | 19PS – Automation and Control / Contrôle et automatisation | BC | Jesse Carlson |
1 | 20PS – Brick Masonry / Briquetage – Maçonnerie | MB | Jacob Bell |
2 | 20PS – Brick Masonry / Briquetage – Maçonnerie | NB | Justin Vatcher |
3 | 20PS – Brick Masonry / Briquetage – Maçonnerie | SK | Joshua Pelletier |
1 | 24PS – Cabinetmaking / Ébénisterie | MB | Leonhard Derksen |
2 | 24PS – Cabinetmaking / Ébénisterie | AB | Bart VanHaaren |
3 | 24PS – Cabinetmaking / Ébénisterie | NS | Nick Poole |
1 | 24S – Cabinetmaking / Ébénisterie | AB | Keane Morrow |
2 | 24S – Cabinetmaking / Ébénisterie | QC | Michaël Labrèche St-Jean |
3 | 24S – Cabinetmaking / Ébénisterie | MB | Steven Doerksen |
1 | 26PS – Carpentry / Charpenterie | BC | Morgan Brown |
2 | 26PS – Carpentry / Charpenterie | ON | Cody Malloch |
3 | 26PS – Carpentry / Charpenterie | NS | Adam Tanner |
1 | 26S – Carpentry / Charpenterie | AB | Cole Chapman |
2 | 26S – Carpentry / Charpenterie | BC | Benjamin Perrault |
3 | 26S – Carpentry / Charpenterie | SK | Justin Lefebre |
1 | 29PS – Hairstyling / Coiffure | QC | Dominique Mercier |
2 | 29PS – Hairstyling / Coiffure | NB | Tiffany Wood |
3 | 29PS – Hairstyling / Coiffure | AB | Nick Gaze |
1 | 29S – Hairstyling / Coiffure | SK | Tiana Whitman |
2 | 29S – Hairstyling / Coiffure | QC | Annabelle Boyer |
3 | 29S – Hairstyling / Coiffure | ON | Niki Harris |
1 | 30PS – Aesthetics / Esthétique | ON | Chloe McCauley |
2 | 30PS – Aesthetics / Esthétique | QC | Joanie Arsenault |
3 | 30PS – Aesthetics / Esthétique | NL | Michelle Bunch |
1 | 31S – Fashion Technology / Mode et création | BC | Donna Lu |
2 | 31S – Fashion Technology / Mode et création | QC | Stéphanie Roy |
3 | 31S – Fashion Technology / Mode et création | AB | Nancy Mac |
1 | 32PS – Baking / Pâtisserie | QC | Mélodie Perez-Mousseau |
2 | 32PS – Baking / Pâtisserie | NS | Melinda Patrice Burke |
3 | 32PS – Baking / Pâtisserie | BC | Sharla Potrie |
1 | 32S – Baking / Pâtisserie | QC | Maude Moreau |
2 | 32S – Baking / Pâtisserie | NS | Peyton Carmichael |
3 | 32S – Baking / Pâtisserie | BC | Luis Aguilar |
1 | 33PS – Automotive Service / Mécanique automobile | AB | Tyler Kenyon |
2 | 33PS – Automotive Service / Mécanique automobile | NT | John Spoelder |
3 | 33PS – Automotive Service / Mécanique automobile | NS | James Bowes |
1 | 33S – Automotive Service / Mécanique automobile | QC | Alexandre Angers |
2 | 33S – Automotive Service / Mécanique automobile | MB | Jared Buckley |
3 | 33S – Automotive Service / Mécanique automobile | AB | Douglas MacIntosh |
1 | 34PS – Cooking / Cuisine | QC | Maxime Fortin |
2 | 34PS – Cooking / Cuisine | AB | Peter Keith |
3 | 34PS – Cooking / Cuisine | NS | Jacob Oikle |
1 | 34S – Cooking / Cuisine | QC | Marysoleil Miron-Bonsant |
2 | 34S – Cooking / Cuisine | NT | Sébastien Rémillard |
3 | 34S – Cooking / Cuisine | PE | Jake MacDonald |
1 | 35PS – Restaurant Service / Service de la restauration | QC | Maxime Renaud |
2 | 35PS – Restaurant Service / Service de la restauration | ON | Jeremy Torres |
1 | 36PS – Car Painting / Peinture automobile | AB | Tyler Hore |
2 | 36PS – Car Painting / Peinture automobile | NS | Ryan Smith |
3 | 36PS – Car Painting / Peinture automobile | NL | Justin Codner |
1 | 36S – Car Painting / Peinture automobile | ON | Jordan Bain |
2 | 36S – Car Painting / Peinture automobile | QC | Sébastien Bertrand |
3 | 36S – Car Painting / Peinture automobile | MB | Sean Simpson |
1 | 37PS – Landscape Gardening / Jardinier Paysagiste | AB | Justin Schipper |
1 | 37PS – Landscape Gardening / Jardinier Paysagiste | AB | Jack Vanden Broek |
2 | 37PS – Landscape Gardening / Jardinier Paysagiste | QC | Gabriel Bérubé |
2 | 37PS – Landscape Gardening / Jardinier Paysagiste | QC | Mathieu Bérubé |
3 | 37PS – Landscape Gardening / Jardinier Paysagiste | MB | Colin Dewitt |
3 | 37PS – Landscape Gardening / Jardinier Paysagiste | MB | Mackenzie Harman |
1 | 38PS – Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / Réfrigération et climatisation | AB | Michael Scheideman |
2 | 38PS – Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / Réfrigération et climatisation | QC | Maxime Lafleur |
3 | 38PS – Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / Réfrigération et climatisation | MB | Michael Walmsley |
1 | 39PS – IT-Network Systems Administration / TI – Administration des systèmes et des réseaux informatiques | NL | Brian Forward |
2 | 39PS – IT-Network Systems Administration / TI – Administration des systèmes et des réseaux informatiques | PE | Jeff Hunter |
3 | 39PS – IT-Network Systems Administration / TI – Administration des systèmes et des réseaux informatiques | QC | Jean-Philippe Desbiens |
1 | 39S – IT-Network Systems Administration / TI – Administration des systèmes et des réseaux informatiques | MB | Param Preet Lobana |
2 | 39S – IT-Network Systems Administration / TI – Administration des systèmes et des réseaux informatiques | AB | Trevor Leslie |
3 | 39S – IT-Network Systems Administration / TI – Administration des systèmes et des réseaux informatiques | ON | John Olano |
1 | 40PS – Graphic Design / Infographie | QC | Sarah Rochefort Higgins |
2 | 40PS – Graphic Design / Infographie | ON | Danielle Giroux |
3 | 40PS – Graphic Design / Infographie | AB | Joseph Keen |
1 | 40S – Graphic Design / Infographie | QC | Isabelle Bélanger |
2 | 40S – Graphic Design / Infographie | NL | Emma Power |
3 | 40S – Graphic Design / Infographie | ON | Michael Cacho |
1 | 51PS – Industrial Mechanic / Millwright / Mécanicien – monteur industriel | ON | Joseph Cinq-Mars |
2 | 51PS – Industrial Mechanic / Millwright / Mécanicien – monteur industriel | MB | Matthew Enns |
3 | 51PS – Industrial Mechanic / Millwright / Mécanicien – monteur industriel | AB | Bronson Backshall |
1 | 52PS – Architectural Technology & Design / Dessin et technologie architecturale | SK | Josh Richard |
2 | 52PS – Architectural Technology & Design / Dessin et technologie architecturale | NL | Michael Gravelle |
3 | 52PS – Architectural Technology & Design / Dessin et technologie architecturale | ON | Becky DeKleyn |
1 | 52S – Architectural Technology & Design / Dessin et technologie architecturale | ON | Michael Nugent |
2 | 52S – Architectural Technology & Design / Dessin et technologie architecturale | AB | Evan Latos |
3 | 52S – Architectural Technology & Design / Dessin et technologie architecturale | MB | Kevin Partyka |
1 | 53S – Outdoor Power and Recreation Equipment / Mécanique de véhicules de loisir et d’entretien | MB | Gerrad Wenzel |
2 | 53S – Outdoor Power and Recreation Equipment / Mécanique de véhicules de loisir et d’entretien | AB | Stephen Mahrer |
3 | 53S – Outdoor Power and Recreation Equipment / Mécanique de véhicules de loisir et d’entretien | SK | Jonathan Campbell |
1 | 82S – TV / Video Production / Production télévisuelle/vidéo | ON | Stephanie Stanov |
1 | 82S – TV / Video Production / Production télévisuelle/vidéo | ON | Blake Hannahson |
2 | 82S – TV / Video Production / Production télévisuelle/vidéo | BC | Layne Richardson |
2 | 82S – TV / Video Production / Production télévisuelle/vidéo | BC | Alex Greba |
3 | 82S – TV / Video Production / Production télévisuelle/vidéo | AB | Martin Calvo |
3 | 82S – TV / Video Production / Production télévisuelle/vidéo | AB | Jean-Luc Oicle |
1 | 83S – Job Interview / Entrevue d’emploi | PE | Julia Ross |
2 | 83S – Job Interview / Entrevue d’emploi | ON | Alexia Kuan |
3 | 83S – Job Interview / Entrevue d’emploi | NL | Erica Badcock |
1 | 84S – Job Skill Demonstration / Présentation: aptitudes professionnelles | ON | Jerick Aranza |
2 | 84S – Job Skill Demonstration / Présentation: aptitudes professionnelles | AB | Carmen Thio |
1 | 85S – Prepared Speech / Discours préparé | MB | Taylor Daigneault |
2 | 85S – Prepared Speech / Discours préparé | SK | Molly Cross |
3 | 85S – Prepared Speech / Discours préparé | NS | Emily Coles |
1 | 87S – 3D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisée 3D | BC | Josiah Stefani |
1 | 87S – 3D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisée 3D | BC | Jamie Ruddick |
2 | 87S – 3D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisée 3D | AB | Sam Bao |
2 | 87S – 3D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisée 3D | AB | Ian Lee |
3 | 87S – 3D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisée 3D | ON | Agastya Kalra |
3 | 87S – 3D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisée 3D | ON | Belden Pham |
1 | 88S – 2D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisée 2D | AB | Michael Gaudio |
1 | 88S – 2D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisée 2D | AB | Rebecca Moir |
2 | 88S – 2D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisée 2D | MB | Stephanie Hunt |
2 | 88S – 2D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisée 2D | MB | Alexandra Smith |
3 | 88S – 2D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisée 2D | ON | Alex Pither |
3 | 88S – 2D Character Computer Animation / Animation informatisée 2D | ON | Emma Campbell |
1 | 91PS – Aircraft Maintenance / Entretien d’aéronefs | MB | Dylan Pereira |
2 | 91PS – Aircraft Maintenance / Entretien d’aéronefs | QC | Félix Fortin |
3 | 91PS – Aircraft Maintenance / Entretien d’aéronefs | BC | Alexander Travis |
4 | 91PS – Aircraft Maintenance / Entretien d’aéronefs | ON | Craig Slikker |
5 | 91PS – Aircraft Maintenance / Entretien d’aéronefs | NS | Jasper Jackson |
1 | 92S – Workplace Safety / Sécurité sur le lieu de travail | PE | Jeremy Koughan |
2 | 92S – Workplace Safety / Sécurité sur le lieu de travail | SK | Tye Buettner |
3 | 92S – Workplace Safety / Sécurité sur le lieu de travail | AB | Jordyn Terrault |
1 | 93S – Robotics / Robotique | SK | Bo Chiasson |
1 | 93S – Robotics / Robotique | SK | Jayden Leister |
1 | 93S – Robotics / Robotique | SK | Taylor Pachal |
1 | 93S – Robotics / Robotique | SK | Rachel Machnee |
2 | 93S – Robotics / Robotique | ON | Anthony James Cagalawan |
2 | 93S – Robotics / Robotique | ON | Bernard Zuech |
2 | 93S – Robotics / Robotique | ON | Keith Martin Nicolas |
2 | 93S – Robotics / Robotique | ON | Linda Shen |
3 | 93S – Robotics / Robotique | AB | Cameron Wray |
3 | 93S – Robotics / Robotique | AB | Callum Campbell |
3 | 93S – Robotics / Robotique | AB | Jeffrey Samuelson |
3 | 93S – Robotics / Robotique | AB | Sheldon Marquis |
1 | 94PS – Heavy Equipment Service / Mécanique de machinerie lourde | YT | Nathan Peterson |
2 | 94PS – Heavy Equipment Service / Mécanique de machinerie lourde | ON | Lawrence Cameron |
3 | 94PS – Heavy Equipment Service / Mécanique de machinerie lourde | AB | Brad MacIntosh |