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Patrick Parizeault, Teacher at CFP Horticole de Laval, Has a Green Thumb

My career path
When I was young, I wasn’t sure which career path would be best for me. After a trip to British Columbia where I worked in horticulture, I completed my vocational training with a double diploma: a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS) in ornamental horticulture and an Attestation of Vocational Specialization (AVS) in horticulture. Then. I created a company specializing in ecological horticulture with classmates. Following that initiative, I specialized in medicinal horticulture. Thanks to my education and experience, I occupied a position of director in a medicinal horticulture organization.

What I love about my job
Now, as a teacher, I love passing on my knowledge to my students and seeing them develop their self-confidence. What encourages me to pursue a career in horticulture is finding solutions to climate change. I’m very interested in this area.

Job opportunities
In horticulture, you can work, for example, for government bodies. They hire a lot of people, and urban horticulture is one of the fields that is in high demand. You can also work for landscaping companies or start your own landscaping company. I suggest young to contemplate doing a job in horticulture, as it not only would allow them to be creative, but it would allow them to work outdoors in nature.

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