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Ignite Passions for Skilled Trade and Technology Careers by Connecting with Canada’s Future Skilled Workforce

We have a serious skills shortage in Canada. By 2028, over 700,000 skilled workers are set to retire, creating an important skills gap according to Employment and Social Development Canada. What can we do? We need to introduce, recruit and train new workers in these professions.


Be Part of the Solution: Inspire the Next Generation of Skilled Workers

Introduce thousands of young people to the lucrative careers available in skilled trades and technologies through the Skills Canada National Competition (SCNC).

Being the only national, multi-trade and technology competition for students and apprentices in the country, this competition gives a platform for over 500 secondary and post-secondary students to showcase their skills and have the chance to become national champions. In addition, the competition draws in thousands of student visitors from the host province to engage in Try-A-Trade® and Technology activities, connect with industry representatives and discover the endless possibilities these careers have to offer.

Connect and Engage with Our Country’s Future Workforce

Showcase the careers available in your organization at SCNC to thousands of students. Engage them with a Try-A-Trade® and Technology activity showing them exactly what it’s like to work in your field. Encourage them to learn more about your organization and all you have to offer by answering their questions. Inspire them to want to work in this field or specifically, for your company. Simply by being there, you are introducing youth to career opportunities they probably have never even thought of.

Discover How #SkillsChangeLives

See for yourself how this unique event connects stakeholders from government, education and industry, bringing the right individuals to the table to discuss the important issues surrounding skilled trades and technologies that impact us all.

Meet the competitors, hear their stories and share yours. Feel the excitement by attending the Welcome Reception and the Opening Ceremony and see the direct impact your contributions have on hundreds of young Canadians. Experience the joy and celebrate the accomplishments of Canada’s champions in skilled trades and technologies during the Closing Ceremony and see how being part of a competition like this builds confidence and propels careers for these youths.

Show What’s Possible: You Can’t Be What You Can’t See

With so many career opportunities, organizations, and companies out there, it’s easy to get lost in the mix. Shine the spotlight on the career possibilities available at your organization by being part of the Skills Canada National Competition. With your logo on event signage, print materials, event guides, SCC’s website, swag and so much more, hundreds of competitors and thousands of students will be able to recognize your brand.

Build Confidence by Having Your Brand, In Their Hands

Give students the tools to succeed and build their confidence in a skilled trade or technology career by providing tools and equipment directly to the competitors at the Skills Canada National Competition in one or several Skill Areas. This first-rate competition wouldn’t be possible without the generous donations of our partners and suppliers who help bring it all together and make it possible.

Engage Equity-Denied Groups Through Skills

Through initiatives at SCNC like Empowering Women in Trades and the Skills Showcase featuring First Nations, Inuit and Métis skills, Skills/Compétences Canada is finding new ways to engage all Canadians to discover the amazing opportunities that exist in skilled trades and technologies.

Give Students the Skills for Success

The Skills for Success (SFS) are the skills required to succeed in school, work and life and apply to all careers including skilled trades and technologies. SCC helps students discover these nine key skills , and creates resources for educators and students to improve them, so that they have all that you are looking for in a future employee. During SCNC, many initiatives surround the Skills for Success, such as the Skills for Success Forum, the SFS Stage and much more. By encouraging the development of the Skills for Success at school and at work, we can bridge the gap between education and Industry and the workplace and create well-rounded young people that are ready for employment after graduation.

Support SCC’s Mission

SCC is a non-profit organization that advances the engagement of youth and their communities in skilled trades and technologies. We, like our many dedicated partners, understand the importance of inspiring and supporting tomorrow’s workforce through our many events, programs, and initiatives.

For more information on how you can support Canada’s youth and make a difference, contact Patrick LeClair at

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