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Hairstyling Tips to Go back to School in Style!

Summer is almost over, and many of us are gearing up to go back to school! As the seasons shifts, so should our style and maintenance, here are a few tips to help you feel confident and ready to take on the next school year.

  • Get a good haircut; if you are going to splurge on anything, splurge on a good cut. It will last you into the spring, freshen up your look and will avoid split ends through the winter months.
  • Make dry shampoo your new best friend; washing your hair less often will help your locks to retain moisture. Try and shampoo your hair every second or third day only (twice a week is ideal) and slowly begin to wean your hair into this regimen. To avoid dull looking hair in between washes, invest in a quality dry shampoo. I recommend Simply dry shampoo for all hair types. On the opposite end, a hair oil is a great addition to treat dry hair or scalp in between washes. 
  • Switch your hair elastics; elastics with metal fastenings can wreak havoc on hair, especially throughout the colder months when hair is more vulnerable to breakage. Scrunchies won’t pull your hair and can reduce headaches from hair being pulled too taut by a hair elastic. I recommend Chelsea King for hair accessories. 

Visit the Vancouver Community College (VCC) Salon Spa Instagram for more inspiration.  

Lucy Griffith is the Acting Dean for Trades, Technology and Design at VCC, previously to this Lucy was the Department Leader for the Hairstylist and Skin and Body Therapy programs at Vancouver Community College. Lucy competed in Skills UK when she was 16, since moving to Canada, Lucy designed and piloted Aesthetics Competition for Skills BC in 2009, was Provincial and National Tech Chair, and supported World competitions in both Leipzig and Abu Dhabi. Lucy supported the process of Canada’s newest Red Seal, Hairstylist, and believes that having a trade like this behind you can take you anywhere in life, all you need is you comb, scissors and plenty of passion. Lucy is big supporter for the Skilled Trades Sector and especially Skills Canada and World Skills. 

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