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Consulab Partners with Skills/Compétences Canada

ConsuLab has been a strong supporter of Skills/Compétences Canada (SCC) at both the provincial level and at the national level. We provide assistance through our educational training aids, offering them in competitions and even volunteering our staff’s time in support of SCC.

Our training aids are well suited for these competitions due to the simple set up and portability. ConsuLab educational training aids are made by skilled craftspeople that take pride in their work, which is another reason we, as a company, support the trades so much! ConsuLab’s vision and principles align so well with that of SCC.

Two of the training aids that were used throughout this year’s competitions were the EM-140B and the CL-1919.

The EM-140B is a working engine bench based off a 2007 or new Hyundai Accent. This training aid makes engine performance diagnostics simpler. Mounted on a mobile stand, this trainer is portable and accessible, allowing groups of students to work on all major engine components without the access limitations of a complete vehicle. The bench’s fault box is perfect for Skills competitions as the engine system responds to inserted faults with real world symptoms.

The CL-1919 is the most complete Ohm’s Law and DC Circuits training aid available. It helps teach the operational theory of electrical circuits, which is an underdeveloped skill. This self-contained training aid is portable and meets many of the electrical tasks for Red Seal curriculums. The complete manual that comes with it makes teaching this theory easy, including offering circuit construction and schematics.

ConsuLab is a proud partner of SCC and looks forward to many more years of partnership.

For more information, visit

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