Event Calendar

Skills Canada Virtual National Competition 2021


Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Skills/Compétences Canada’s (SCC) held its annual flagship event on a virtual platform. SCVNC offered virtual career exploration activities for visitors which demonstrated the many opportunities available in the skilled trades and technologies. In addition, SCC hosted virtual competitions for students and apprentices across Canada in 37 Skill Areas. SCVNC also hosted informative digital content spotlighting our partners, alumni and industry celebrities. Following SCVNC, a virtual awards ceremony was presented where the winning medalists were announced. For more information, check out the recap booklet.

National Skilled Trade and Technology Week 2020

National Skilled Trade and Technology Week 2020

Skills/Compétences Canada presented a fun, engaging social media campaign for National Skilled Trade and Technology Week 2020 in place of our usual face-to-face events due to  Covid-19 restrictions. Fittingly, the Essential Skills theme for 2020 was Digital Skills. A huge thank you to Vale for being the official sponsor of this year’s campaign.

The campaign featured video contributions from Skills/Compétences Canada stakeholders, partners, alumni, member organizations and a special message from the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion. A special thank you goes out to celebrity supporters Mike Holmes, Mike Holmes Jr, Sherry Holmes and Sebastian Clovis for their participation in the campaign.

Skills/Compétences Canada held a contest for a brand new, sold out X Box Series X on Facebook and Instagram during National Skilled Trade and Technology Week. The contest had many entries and was ultimately won by Skills/Compétences Canada alumni Joshua Faucher.

Did you miss out on our campaign? Not to worry. All of the videos can be found on this YouTube playlist.

Skills Canada: A Digital Experience of Skills

Vancouver Convention Centre 1055 Canada Pl, Vancouver, BC, British Columbia, Canada


Due to Covid-19, Skills/Compétences Canada (SCC) made the decision to cancel the annual Skills Canada National Competition (SCNC). SCC held its first ever Digital Experience of Skills; this weeklong cross-country tour included activities that would have been hosted during SCNC 2020. Each of the 13 Skills Canada Member Organizations also promoted some of their fun and interactive programming throughout the week. Through this initiative, SCC continued to inform Canadians about the importance of skilled trade and technology careers with interactive content which was shared on SCC’s social media platforms. For more information, check out the recap booklet. 

Quebec 2020 – Cancelled

Centre de foires de Québec


Jean-Rock Gaudreault Directeur général Phone: (418) 646-3534 Claude Bourque

Alberta 2020 – Cancelled

Edmonton EXPO Centre 7515 118 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Chris Browton Executive Director Phone: 780-910-6068

Ontario 2020 – Cancelled

Toronto Congress Centre Etobicoke


Jennifer Green Director of Competitions/ Young Women’s Initiatives

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