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Skills Canada Nova Scotia Provincial Competitions

Skills Canada Nova Scotia annual host competitions for both high school and post-secondary level students and apprentices. Each contest is tailored to a specific industry, and competitors are challenged to perform tasks against students from around the province.

Skills Canada New Brunswick Provincial Competitions

Annual Provincial Skills Competitions take place in each province and territory every spring. These competitions are coordinated and implemented by Provincial Technical Committees.

Provincial Competitions are 1-day events and offered at the Secondary and Post-Secondary/ Apprenticeship level.  Gold medal winners at the Provincial level may qualify to represent the province at the Skills Canada National Competition!

Skills Canada Northwest Territories Territorial Competition

Summit Air

The annual Skills Canada NWT Territorial Competition is the largest skilled trade and technology competition across the Northwest Territories. Secondary, post-secondary students as well as apprentices compete in a friendly olympic-style skills competition to demonstrate the talents and abilities required in a variety of skilled trade areas, including Welding, Hairstyling, Carpentry, Photography and many more.

Held in conjunction with the competition, will be a virtual Career Expo and ‘Skilled Future’ panel with special highlights each day – including a ‘Women in Trades’ feature, Indigenous Skills showcase, Alumni highlights, and more!

Top placing competitors also have an opportunity to represent Team Northwest Territories at the Skills Canada National Competition.

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