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National Skilled Trade and Technology Week 2020

National Skilled Trade and Technology Week 2020

Skills/Compétences Canada presented a fun, engaging social media campaign for National Skilled Trade and Technology Week 2020 in place of our usual face-to-face events due to  Covid-19 restrictions. Fittingly, the Essential Skills theme for 2020 was Digital Skills. A huge thank you to Vale for being the official sponsor of this year’s campaign.

The campaign featured video contributions from Skills/Compétences Canada stakeholders, partners, alumni, member organizations and a special message from the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion. A special thank you goes out to celebrity supporters Mike Holmes, Mike Holmes Jr, Sherry Holmes and Sebastian Clovis for their participation in the campaign.

Skills/Compétences Canada held a contest for a brand new, sold out X Box Series X on Facebook and Instagram during National Skilled Trade and Technology Week. The contest had many entries and was ultimately won by Skills/Compétences Canada alumni Joshua Faucher.

Did you miss out on our campaign? Not to worry. All of the videos can be found on this YouTube playlist.

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