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Brennan Roy-Bertin: A Journey of Growth and Mastery

My Skills journey

My journey with Skills began in 2013 when I was invited to compete in the provincial skills competition, in Alberta, in Industrial Control, where I placed second. The following year, I participated in the Skills Canada National Competition 2014, in Toronto, winning gold and securing a spot on Team Canada for the WorldSkills Competition 2015, in São Paulo, Brazil! With the full support of my employer—both in time and resources—I embraced this incredible opportunity.

In 2016, I attended the WorldSkills General Assembly, where I had the chance to contribute to a grassroots project focused on bringing recognition and education to refugees in Rwanda. Collaborating with WorldSkills industry partners, we developed the framework for this initiative and traveled to Rwanda to assess local needs, working closely with nonprofit organizations and the Ministry of Education. This experience gave me an invaluable perspective on life and the power of skills in transforming communities. Additionally, in 2017, I was honored to be approached by WorldSkills Abu Dhabi to manage the Industrial Control Skill Area. This was yet another milestone in a journey that has shaped both my career and my outlook on the world.

The impact of skills
The skills movement has profoundly shaped my life. It has taken me around the world—representing my province and country, leading multi-million-dollar projects in my early twenties, working on grassroots initiatives in developing countries, training WorldSkills Team Canada competitors, and overseeing the delivery of the WorldSkills Competition 2017, in Abu Dhabi. While it’s difficult to fully capture the impact of Skills, one thing is certain: it has been the greatest catalyst for both my professional success and personal growth.

Where I am now
I currently work for Acuity Brands’ Intelligent Spaces Group as Sales Manager for Western Canada. At Acuity Intelligent Spaces, we’re redefining the way spaces function—leveraging data to enhance occupant experiences and create smarter, safer, and greener environments. It’s incredibly rewarding to be part of a company that delivers meaningful solutions, directly improving how spaces are managed and experienced. Looking back to my days as an apprentice electrician, I never could have imagined I’d be where I am today.

My advice to youth
For those considering a career in the electrical industry, know that the possibilities are endless. I’ve had the opportunity to work in diamond mines, data centers, oil fields, hospitals, renewable energy projects, amusement parks, surf pools, and beyond. Each experience has not only expanded my professional knowledge but has also given me invaluable perspectives on life. This field offers continuous learning and a chance to shape the world around you.

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