William Speed

Action Appraisals
Autobody Repair
Smithville, Ontario  

My Skills Background 

I’m a Collision Damage Appraiser at Action Appraisals. I’m also a retired teacher. This is the fourth time I will be the Expert in my Skill Area. 

The Importance of Training 

Training every day is paramount to success. Developing the competitor’s skills to a peak level so that they become second nature f is the best way to succeed. At previous WorldSkills Competitions, I’ve watched how leading competitors from other countries perform. It’s like watching a ballet or a precision athletic endeavour. Every movement is calculated. They seem to know exactly what to do at every stage of the process.  

I facilitate training opportunities that help develop the competitor’s skills. For example, training with the same equipment that will be used at the competition is important. Working with the competitor’s trainer is also very important, especially if the competitor is from a different province. Success, to me, happens when the competitor does the best they can. Our main challenge will be the lack of real-world experience of our competitor. Other challenges will include trying to find the right equipment, materials, vehicles and parts to work on while training.  

I look forward to working alongside the other Experts, learning new skills from others, and creating friendships with Experts and competitors. 

The Value of the Skills for Success 

Reading, Problem Solving, Numeracy and Adaptability will be important during training and at competition. Being able to adapt to unforeseen project changes, such as unavailable parts, will be invaluable. I hope our competitor makes new friends and has an extraordinary experience.  

Why I Love Volunteering 

I’ve met numerous amazing young people with incredible skills and the will to succeed in their trade. Their enthusiasm has kept me coming back year after year to a range of skills  competitions. I’m grateful to be part of the skills community where the friendships I have made over the years have been life-changing.  

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