Walter Loedeman - 20

Lethbridge College
Heavy Vehicle Technology
Diamond City, Alberta


I always enjoyed working and fixing things at home when I was younger, so a trade was the way to go when I chose a career. The best advice I ever received was to go to college and get a trade under my belt. What I love about this trade is that there is a wide range of different fields including electrical, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), and welding. My career goals are to become a journeyman and someday start my own shop.  

I participated in my first skills competition in high school. I was very surprised when I found out that I will be competing at WorldSkills Lyon 2024. I was not expecting to be the one selected to go. My biggest challenge at the WorldSkills Competition will be to not get too nervous. I’m really looking forward to travelling and seeing a different country. 

Interesting fact  
I love to hunt. 

Skills for Success 
Out of the nine plus one Skills for Success, I believe problem solving has been the most instrumental in my training process and during the competition, for my Skill Area. 

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