Theodor Willert - 24

Humber College
Schomberg, ON


I chose mechatronics because I am fascinated by the idea of building something that has the capacity to build something else. When I was younger I would watch ‘How It’s Made’ and be so excited about how the machines and robots built a car.  It was only later that I started to think about how someone would build these machines and I decided that it could be a great and engaging career.

I would like to become a systems integrator to design, build, program and install industrial production equipment.

Interesting Fact

One of my favourite pastimes is reading. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was a great book and it got me hooked on reading.

Essential Skills

I find that all of the Essential Skills are necessary in the field of mechatronics. However I think that continuous learning is the most crucial skill to have because this industry is always changing, and newer and better technologies are produced every day.

Competition History

Skills Ontario Provincial Competition

Skills Canada National Competition 2016

Training History

WorldSkills Team Canada Trials: Festo, January 27-29, 2017

Photo Gallery

Media Coverage

Humber students win gold in 2016 Skills Canada National Competition

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Student Mentors Can Fill Skills Gap

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