Richard Spencer

College of the North Atlantic
Cloud Computing
St John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador

My Skills Background 

I’m a Lead Instructor in the Technology Career Pathway (TCP) program at the College of the North Atlantic. The TCP program is designed to help high school students transition from high school to Information Technology (IT) programs at the College of the North Atlantic by exposing them to IT post-secondary courses in grades 11 and 12. This innovative program may encourage students to pursue careers in the innovation and technology sector. I’ve been the Expert in my Skill Area since Kazan 2019. 

The Importance of Training 

WorldSkills Competitions are gruelling. Competitors must learn how to maintain their composure while competing for four days in a high-pressure environment. I help them improve on their existing skills and then we try to master previous WorldSkills projects. This calls for one-on-one instruction and hands-on learning. 

Our major challenge will be competing with countries whose competitors are paid to train for two years or whose competitors are offered major incentives to win. We will have to make the most of our time and budget!  We’ll be successful if the competitors have fun while achieving their full potential. A Medallion for Excellence would be a bonus. 

I look forward to seeing the kids compete at an international competition, discover a different part of the world, and make new friends. I’m also excited to connect with my fellow Experts. WorldSkills Competitions have greatly enriched my life. 

The Value of the Skills for Success 

Reading and Problem Solving are the two most important Skills for Success for our Cloud Computing competitor. I’m hoping they will have a life-changing experience by competing at WorldSkills Lyon 2024. 

Why I Love Volunteering 

I volunteer for the students. To see their smiles and their pride at the end of the competition fills me with happiness. I’m delighted that I’m able to help these students take their education and learning to the ultimate level. 

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