Ray Massey

Ray has been involved with apprenticeship training for many years and believes there is a lack of knowledge about the trades. Ray became involved with the skills movement in 2006 when he was involved as a member of the Provincial Technical Committee (PTC) and a competition judge. In 2009, he received the Skills Canada Alberta (SCA) Volunteer of the Year Award. He joined the SCA Board in 2016 and served as its vice chair. In the Fall of 2018 he was elected Chair of the SCA Board, where he still serves.

Over the years he has participated in many WorldSkills Competitions, in several roles, including WorldSkills Calgary 2009, WorldSkills London 2011, WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 and WorldSkills Kazan 2019. Mr. Massey has recently been elected to Skills/Compétences Canada’s National Board of Directors as Secretary. He believes in our youth and is a strong supporter of the Skills movement, which can and does change lives.

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