Phil Polsom

I first became involved with Skills in 2010. In 2013, I attended my first skills competition and was blown away by the level of skills the competitors were showing. It was seeing these future tradespeople that completely hooked me on what Skills means and how important it is to the future of the trades.

I joined the Skills Canada Saskatchewan board in 2014 and have been active in various positions on the local board as well as assisting with our provincial skills competitions. I have also been a representative at the Skills Canada National Competitions representing Saskatchewan on the grievance committees. I currently serve as the chair of the Skills Canada Saskatchewan Board. Being chair has allowed me to represent Skills Canada Saskatchewan on the national board. I will also be sitting in on the governance committee for the national board.

I have worked in the underground mining industry for almost 20 years before taking on my current role of Training Director for CLAC. In my current role, I am responsible for skills and safety training for our members with an additional focus on delivering entry level training for new workers looking to get into the trades. I currently hold a Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education from the University of Victoria.

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