Laurie Breton - 23

École nationale d'aérotechnique
Aerospace Technology
Jonquière, QC


I chose a career in a skilled trade because I’ve always enjoyed working with my hands and I have a passion for aerospace, therefore a career in aircraft maintenance was the perfect choice. Every day, I perform different tasks that are mentally and physically exciting. In the future, I’m considering getting my license to become an aircraft maintenance technician with Transport Canada. Then, I intend to continue working in the field of ex-military aircrafts and helicopters. I would like to work in remote areas, in isolated locations, in research projects.  

I became involved with skills competitions when my college teacher told me about them and encouraged me to take part in them in 2019. Participating in the competitions allowed me to develop my skills and to meet extraordinary people.

Interesting Fact 

I dream about owning a permaculture farm to explore the potential of a healthy and eco-friendly agriculture. 

Skills for Success 

The aircraft maintenance technician career is largely based on problem-solving. I think that the most important Skill for Success to develop for me is Creativity and Innovation

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