Ken Heather

Red Deer College
Red Deer, Alberta

My Skills Background 

I’ve been a Welder by trade for 47 years and a Welding Instructor for 26 of those years. Teaching a skilled trade to young people enables them to contribute to society and to explore a range of opportunities with their welding expertise. WorldSkills Lyon 2024 will be my sixth competition as an Expert in my Skill Area. 

The Importance of Training 

Training is crucial! The competitor, trainer, and Expert should communicate on a weekly basis.
In welding, competitors must complete four modules over the four days of the WorldSkills Competition. With each module having a different number of marks weighted in them, it’s critical that competitors understand how marks are awarded. Physical and mental preparation should be balanced throughout the training process. 

One of the challenges we may face at the competition could be having to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. As the Expert, it’s my job to mitigate that by enlightening my competitor on how to prepare for surprises. My competitor will succeed when they use their knowledge, talent, and overall welding prowess to perform at a high level, knowing they have done their best. 

I’m looking forward to WorldSkills Lyon 2024. This will be my ninth WorldSkills Competition. I have relationships with many global Experts, so these competitions give me an incredible opportunity to learn and understand how other countries promote and teach Welding. 

The Value of the Skills for Success    

All of the Skills for Success are essential.  A competitor must be prepared to use all facets of these skills for the competition. I hope my competitor performs to the best of their ability and cherishes this opportunity of a lifetime! 

Why I Love Volunteering 

I’ve been involved in the skills movement for 26 years! I do it because of the people that I’ve been privileged to meet and who have worked together for the common good of young people in Canada. I can truly say I have friendships around the world because of the skills community!  

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