Jason Taylor

Western Joint Electrical Training Society
Electrical Installations
Comox Valley, British Columbia

My Skills Background 

I work for the Western Joint Electrical Training Society as an Electrical Training Designer and Facilitator, and as a Distance Learning Expert. I’ve been a WorldSkills Expert in my Skill Area for two and a half years. 

The Importance of Training 

Skills competitions test the physical and mental capacity of our competitors, so being prepared is essential. Every training day should begin with an action plan. We’ll look at the big picture of a project, then break it down and work on the small steps that will enable us to achieve our goals. This way, the competitor establishes a routine of observance, thoroughness and attention to detail.  

At the WorldSkills Competition, it will be challenging to work with foreign materials and the European electrical control systems. So, it will be critical while training to get comfortable with similar systems and materials. Whatever the outcome, I’ll consider the competition to be a success when I see our competitors push themselves to perform their best and truly believe in themselves. Ideally, this will include a podium placement. 

I’m looking forward to the competition, with each competitor getting the opportunity to interact with the world’s best while learning and sharing experiences. It is life changing. 

The Value of the Skills for Success 

The critical Skills for Success begin with Reading, Writing and Numeracy: reading prints, drawings and specifications, then formulating a plan. With so many unknown elements in each competition, being able to adapt and overcome will be key. I hope our competitor gains a tremendous sense of pride from WorldSkills Lyon 2024 so they can look back and know they did their best in a competition! 

Why I Love Volunteering 

I love working with the competitors. Seeing our competitors perform at their peak at a global event fills me with pride in them and in our country. Representing Canada at this top level is an unbelievable experience. 

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