Herman Muller - 18

University of British Columbia
Mobile Robotics
White City, SK


I picked robotics because, let’s be honest, it sounds really cool. I stuck with it and put all my effort into competing while striving for perfection. This allowed me to keep my brain active. I tried harder than I ever have, not just for my own sake, but for the sake of my teammates. They are why we got this far.

I have no set plan for my career yet. The only thing that is set in stone is my love of learning and academia. I plan to continue studying in university for as long as I can. I got involved in skills competitions through one of my classmates who was recruiting additional members to join his robotics team. And, as they say, the rest is history.

Interesting Fact

I’m from South Africa, where most of my family lives. I speak Afrikaans at home and English with my friends. Also, I have a passion for writing poetry.

Essential Skills

Working with others is an important Essential Skill for my trade as the competition is based on team work. In the months leading up to the event we needed to work together to design and build a plan, and come up with a strategy which is continuously evolving.

Media Coverage

August 16, 2019
Regina students taking unique robot to international competition

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May 7, 2019
Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto

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