Hao Rui Zhang - 18

University of Waterloo
Web Technologies
Toronto, ON


I chose web design and development because it gives me the ability to reach millions of people around the world, to improve our day to day lives, to share my ideas, and inspire those around me. I’ve always wanted to be a programmer, and I’ve explored many of its branches, but none of them came to me as easily as web programming. I guess I can say that my career goal is to be a web developer, but that’s only a part of what I actually want to do. In programming, everything is connected, and by immersing myself in web development over the years, I’ve also come to love other tasks like server administration and game development, to name a few.

I got involved in skills competitions through my robotics teacher who informed me about these competitions. Than I saw an entry for web design and development, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to polish my skill set while still having fun with my friends.

Interesting Fact

I’m a very reserved and shy individual, and it takes me quite a while to open up.

Essential Skills

For my specific competition, I think it’s quite easy to say that digital technology has proven the most instrumental to both my training and my competition. Whether it is the initial design phase or the implementation phase, everything is done on a computer. Mastering the use of digital tools is probably the best way to improve as a web developer and on top of that, it is a great way to gain a slight edge over the other competitors.

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