Gaspard Goupil - 18

CFP Le Chantier
Electrical Installations
Roxboro, Québec


I wanted a physical job, so I went into construction. I chose electrical work because I like understanding how electrical systems work and I like working with electricity. I don’t have any specific career goals right now. I just want to continue developing my skills in my trade.

I heard about a regional skills competition at my school and decided to participate; one thing led to another and now I’m taking part in the 2024 WorldSkills Competition, in Lyon. I was very happy and excited to learn I will be competing at the 47th WorldSkills Competition. Like other skills competitions, I think one of the biggest challenges will be managing my stress. And the best advice I have ever received is this: To ignore everything around you, concentrate on yourself, and do your best.

Interesting fact 
I love music.

Skills for Success 
Out of the nine plus one Skills for Success, the skill that has been instrumental in my training process and during the skills competitions has been adaptability. This skill allows me to achieve or adjust my goals when change occurs, by planning, staying focused, persisting, and overcoming setbacks.

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