Éric Beaumier

Industrial Control
Montréal, Québec

My Skills Background 

I’m a Branch Manager for Régulvar, a building automation integrator. This field of work allows me to help develop greener and more efficient buildings. This is my first year as an Expert in my Skill Area! 

The Importance of Training 

Since electrical codes and equipment varies from country to country, we’ll need to ensure the competitor is comfortable at WorldSkills Lyon 2024 using new and unfamiliar equipment. We’ll also need to train at a fast pace to be truly prepared for the competition. While I’m training my competitor for a WorldSkills Competition I get to know them so I can provide constructive feedback on where they need to improve. This will help the competitor learn new skills and knowledge that will be reinforced by regular practice and repetition. 

I believe our biggest challenge during the competition will be to absorb as much information about the test project as possible. Our objective is to be competitive within the top-ranked competitors. 

As an Expert I want to ensure that my competitor’s experience is meaningful, while aiming for an optimal level of performance. I most look forward to gathering information about the WorldSkills scoring method and evaluating how we can improve our future performances.  

The Value of the Skills for Success     

The most important skill at the competition will be Adaptability. You must be able to adapt to each situation and make the best of it. I hope my competitor’s experience at the 47th WorldSkills Competition, in Lyon inspires them to succeed in their career and to give back to the industry. 

Why I Love Volunteering 

I was a competitor more than 20 years ago at WorldSkills Seoul 2001! That experience gave me so much that I volunteer as a WorldSkills Expert to mentor youth that are entering this trade

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