Émile Robitaille - 20

École Nationale d’Aérotechnique
Aerospace Technology
Shawinigan, Quebec


I like working with my hands. I chose aerospace technology because it’s a field I’ve always been interested in, and one in which the possibilities are endless. I love working with highly specialized and often complex equipment and machinery requiring special skills. My career goals are to work on planes and helicopters in remote areas.

I heard about skills competitions about two years ago from a work colleague who took part in the 2016 Skills Canada National Competition, in Moncton, New Brunswick. Since then, he’s been encouraging me to take part, telling me that I’d probably have a good chance of winning. Learning that I’d be competing at WorldSkills Lyon 2024 was really unexpected! Apart from that, I was very excited, and I knew I’d have a lot of preparation to do. The biggest challenge will be to perform well in every aspect. Time limits will also be a big constraint.

Interesting fact
I grew up working on my truck, motocross, snowmobiles and ATV. I like to understand how things work, and I have fun taking things apart and putting them back together. I also have a passion for music.

Skills for Success
Reading: Understanding aircraft maintenance manuals and making sure I grasp the information.

Writing: Knowing how to write up worksheets once tasks have been completed.

Problem solving: Troubleshooting, investigating, and finding solutions to problems encountered by aircraft mechanics.

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