Brooke Potiuk - 18

Think Tank Training Centre
3D Digital Game Art
Brooks, Alberta 


I’ve always been drawn to art and being creative. I felt a trade would give me the opportunity to follow that path. I chose a career in digital art because it’s something I’m passionate about and really enjoy doing. It’s an industry that allows for a lot of creativity and flexibility, which I think will keep my career interesting and enjoyable. I also love how many different jobs it can branch off into. There are so many options!  Someday, I would love to work in the video game industry creating character models or game props.

In high school, my digital media teacher introduced me to skills competitions. This has given me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. I have enjoyed meeting new people and traveling to new places. When I placed third at the Skills Canada National Competition, it felt unreal. I was not expecting it at all. It was an awesome surprise. I know that my biggest challenge at WorldSkills Lyon 2024 is going to be time management, since I tend to be a perfectionist.  

I’m really looking forward to meeting other 3D artists from different countries! 

Interesting Fact
I’m a lifeguard and swim instructor. When I’m not working at the pool, I love to swim laps.

Skills for Success
I think creativity and innovation is the most important skill to focus on for success in my category. Being creative and being able to think outside the box is key to going above and beyond and really making my art stand out. I also feel that problem solving is equally important. Being able to work around troubles that arise is essential to success and completing the task on time. 

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