Brian Vintinner

Sheridan College
Industrial Mechanics
Grimsby, Ontario

My Skills Background 

I’m a Professor at Sheridan College. This will be my second WorldSkills Competition as an Expert in my Skill Area. 

The Importance of Training 

As the WorldSkills Competition is very intense, it will be important for the competitor to train to very tight tolerances. The use of tolerances, which is the minimum or maximum range of measurements of a product, determines how well a part will fit into a machine or piece of equipment.  

When I’m training a competitor for a WorldSkills Competition, I assess their weaknesses then identify how they can improve on their strengths. It’s also important to build up the competitor’s mental resilience so they can handle the intense stress of the competition. A major challenge for our competitor will be making the time to train so that they can perform at their peak level at WorldSkills Lyon 2024. 

Success for me as an Expert is knowing that my competitor is well-trained and has done their absolute top effort. I look forward to meeting new people and seeing our competitor do their best.  

The Value of the Skills for Success 

Problem Solving will be a key skill to use during training and the competition. It will also be important for our competitor to be patient while Problem Solving. Even if they make mistakes, it will be essential for them to continue moving forward. 

I hope our competitor leaves the competition satisfied that they did the best they could. Hard work can pay off! I also hope they meet new people from different countries that they’ll stay in touch with long after the competition is over. 

Why I Love Volunteering 

I love to volunteer because I enjoy helping people and seeing them achieve their goals. It’s very rewarding to see competitors perform to the best of their abilities. 

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