Avery Bird - 24

Humber College
Brighton, Ontario


I come from a family of tradesmen and women so I grew up with a great amount of respect and awareness of the trades. When I graduated high-school I started on the path to become an electrician. After taking some pre-apprenticeship courses I discovered industrial automation and immediately found a passion for it. The field of mechatronics is growing rapidly and greatly satisfies my love of design, problem solving, and electro-mechanical tinkering.

My career goal is to work for a company that produces truly innovative products and services. I want a job where I feel I am making a noticeable contribution towards the company’s success.

Interesting fact

My biggest inspiration is my older sister. She is one of my biggest supporters for the upcoming WorldSkills Competition and has been my life coach on several occasions.

Essential Skills

In the field of industrial automation and mechatronics, continuous learning is a required Essential Skill. Technology is always changing and improving and it is crucial to keep up with new technologies to stay competitive in the job market.

Competition History

Skills Ontario Provincial Competition 2016

Skills Canada National Competition 2016

Training History

Participated in EuroSkills 2016 in Gothenburg Sweden

WorldSkills Team Canada Trials: Festo, January 27-29, 2017

Photo Gallery

Media Coverage

Humber students win gold in 2016 Skills Canada National Competition

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September 26, 2016
Student Mentors Can Fill Skills Gap

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