Anjesh Shrestha - 18

University of Alberta
IT - Network Systems Administration
Edmonton, AB


I chose to pursue a career in IT Network Systems Administration because I find this field to be very interesting. My career goal is to finish my bachelor’s degree in computer science and learn more about computer networks and information technology to eventually work in this sector.

I got involved in Skills Competitions through my teacher in high school who encouraged me to compete. I am looking forward to the opportunity of competing at WorldSkills Kazan 2019 against the best in my field. I feel this would be a great learning experience for me.

Interesting Fact

I was born in Nepal, Asia.

Essential Skills

Working with others is an Essential Skill that I find very valuable as I find that I learn a lot when I work with other people, more than I would on my own. Continuous learningis also a big part of my trade because technology is constantly changing and evolving. Being able to adapt to these changes is very important to be successful in this sector.

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