Adam Sebastian

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Regina
Regina, SK


I chose to pursue welding because I have always enjoyed working with my hands and this trade allows me to apply my creative and artistic skills. My career goal is to run my own custom shop that specializes in mobile welding and custom fabrication with a variety of materials.

I got involved with Skills Competitions through my school. Since I have a competitive nature, I thought I could apply it to a real competition and that’s when I started practicing achieving this goal. I was also very inspired by the 2015 Skills USA competitor in welding, Andrew Cardin, who demonstrated that welding is truly an art form that requires more than basic construction skills.

Interesting Fact

I race motocross at a semi pro level and I have broken my back in two places.

Essential Skills

All of the nine Essential Skills come into play every day for me at work as a welder. However, I believe working with others, numeracy and thinking are crucial skills to have in order to work in this industry. I also think document use is an important skill that I am continuously working on improving.

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Media Coverage

August 1, 2019
Two Sask Polytech students competing at WorldSkills in Russia

Adam Sebastian won a medal of excellence for welding with Team Canada at WorldSkills 2019 in Kazan, Russia, and made it to the top 10.

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September 9, 2019
Canadian repairers crush WorldSkills Kazan 2019

Adam Sebastian, WorldSkills Team Canada Competitor; Feature Article in Relevance Magazine, 2020, originally published by Saskatoon Industry Education Council. For the full magazine please visit: relevance 2020

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September 18, 2019
Canada Showcases Talent at World Skills

Adam Sebastian awarded medals of excellence for A-1 welding skills.

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