Aaron Taves - 19

Automobile Technology
Camrose, Alberta


I chose to pursue a career in automobile technology because of my love of cars and my passion for abstract problem solving. One of my career goals is to one day have my own automotive shop as well as a parts distribution store chain across Alberta.

Got involved with Skills Canada through high school and has since competed in seven Skills Canada competitions.

Interesting Fact

He is a volunteer firefighter in the city of Camrose.

Essential Skills

The following Essential Skills are crucial to my success in this trade: numeracy for measuring and setting specifications, oral communication when explaining an electrical diagnostic, continuous learning to keep up with new technologies as well as reading and writing for understanding and relaying information effectively.

Competition History

Skills Canada Alberta Provincial Skills Canada Competition 2015

Skills Canada Alberta Provincial Skills Canada Competition 2016

Skills Canada National Competition 2015

Skills Canada National Competition 2016, Qualified as a Team Canada 2017 Prospect

Training History

Participated in EuroSkills 2016 in Gothemburg, Sweden

WorldSkills Team Canada Trials: NAIT, January 8-10, 2017

Photo Gallery

Media Coverage

Taves takes his auto repair skills to the world stage

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