
Emma Lewis

Public Speaking

My Skills Journey 

I competed in my Skill Area of Public Speaking at the provincial skills competition in 2017 and 2019, in Manitoba. I won the gold medal in my Skill Area at both competitions. I also had the opportunity to compete in the Skills Canada National Competitions those years. I believe my competition experiences have given me the confidence to pursue my goals. It’s also taught me how to prepare for success. 

Joining the National Alumni Committee 

I joined the National Alumni Committee (NAC) so that I could help more students have the same empowering experience that I have had. Being part of the NAC has also given me the fantastic opportunity to make friends across the country. I’m so grateful to be part of this community that’s been created. 

Overcoming Career Barriers 

A barrier that I overcame in my career path was self-doubt. When I first graduated from high school, I didn’t allow myself to pursue the path that my heart wanted. I told myself I wasn’t good enough. As I grew in confidence and skill, I applied for the program I had always dreamed of taking and I was accepted, complete with a scholarship! 

Proudest Moment  

The proudest moment of my career so far was performing a piece that I developed myself, with a band for the first time. It was amazing to hear it come together in the way that I had planned! I was honoured by how hard my bandmates worked to help make the composition a succe

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