
Careers in the skilled trades and technologies are waiting for you to discover!

Featured initiatives

We engage Canadian youth year-round in learning about skills and career paths through our exciting programs and initiatives.

Latest news and updates

July 15, 2024
Skills/Compétences Canada Will Host the Skills Canada National Competition 2025, in Regina,...
June 25, 2024
Montana Woolley Shares her Journey into Welding 
June 12, 2024
14 competitors from across Canada honoured with the RBC Best of Region...
June 11, 2024
Skills Canada National Competition 2024 gold medalist in Electrical Installations award prize...

Discover trades and careers by sector

Considering a career in the trades? Learn about typical day-to-day duties, skills needed, education required, salary ranges, and more!

Our partners make it all possible

Skills Canada depends vitally on our many industry, education and government partner who provide resources to help set young people on successful career paths. It truly is a win-win.

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